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After his landlord gave him N2 million instead of the N4 million the court had ordered him to pay as damages, an unnamed renter has shouted out.
An outrage from the renter was shared on Facebook by Atanda, a human rights lawyer.
Massive emotions were sparked when Atanda posted the tenant’s remark on his Facebook page, The People’s Parliament.
The tenant claims that he won the case when he sued his landlord. Only N2 million has been paid by his landlord since the court’s ruling of N4 million in damages.
The tenant further mentioned that he is still at the man’s home and that the landlord has not mentioned the amount.
He said his rent expires in February 2025 and asked advice on how to get his balance before moving out. His appeal read: “I drag my Landlord to c0urt and i w0n but the main issue now is that the c0urt ask him to pay me 4 million Naira as damag£s.
“Atanda, up to this moment baba only pa’id 2M and he is not saying anything about the balance and am still living in his house.
“Although my R£nt expires FEBRUARY next year.”
“Pls how do I go about it to get my balance before I move out.”
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