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After accusing his fiancée of sharing their introduction ceremony video online and saying it scared off other women he wanted to date, a newly engaged guy has provoked outrage on social media.
A widely shared post on X, formerly Twitter, captured the incident.
The post includes pictures of a WhatsApp exchange between the man and his fiancée as well as a video of the couple at their introduction ceremony.
The man can be heard in the video asking his fiancée why she posted the footage online.
He regrets that because of the introduction, other women now view him as unattainable, ruining his prospects of pursuing relationships with them.
His words: “The introduction we did has exposed me. The video you posted has ruined things for me. The girls I was supposed to be involved with are all running away, saying I’m married and can’t date me. Why did you post it online?”
Watch the video
No fooking way.. pic.twitter.com/OPRsjDAanE
— (@Abdulherphyz) January 7, 2025
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