Pastor Benny Hinn recently underlined the tremendous significance of Jesus’ blood serving as a bridge to God in a Facebook video. He emphasised that believers approach God via a “new and living way” made possible by the sacrifice of Christ, drawing on the book of Hebrews.

He went into great detail about the seven occasions that Jesus shed His blood, each of which highlighted a crucial facet of His atoning work. The first bloodletting was in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He prayed passionately just before being arrested, sweating droplets of blood. This instance represented the deep anguish Jesus went through in anticipation of His upcoming suffering and sacrifice.

According to him, “The way to God is through the blood. And in the book of Hebrews, we are told we came through the blood through a new and living way. Jesus shed his blood for you and I seven times. First was in Gethsemane when his sweat became blood. The second was in the house of Caiaphas when they beat his face and tore his precious bread off. The third was when they put the crown of thorns upon his head. The Fourth was when they whipped his back for our healing. The fifth was when they nailed his hands to the cross. The sixth was when they nailed his legs to the cross and the seventh was when his side was opened by the spear.”

Watch the video below

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