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Under the aegis of the De Renaissance Patriots, some Lagos natives have issued a warning against being associated with the “Igbos must leave Lagos slogan,” calling such a remark deplorable and careless.

The group also denounced a report that said it was a far-right socio-cultural group, claiming the accusation was untrue.

It bemoaned the purposeful strategies of non-natives ruling Lagos to subjugate indigenous people and made it clear that it would not back down in its goal to save indigenous Lagos from marginalisation.

The organisation said that the report’s author was ignorant of their background and that evidence supporting their claims could be found.

The group said in a statement from its media office that the news was inaccurate in saying that their concepts conformed to the group instigating ethnic crisis in Lagos.

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The statement reads: “We take an exception to the tag of far-right on De Renaissance Patriots Foundation. As a socio-cultural group of very senior eminent citizens of Nigeria that have been culturally and constitutionally blessed with indigeneship of Lagos State, we consider such uncharitable, wicked and unguarded use of vulgar language as unacceptable.

“That vitriolic name tag of the far-right on these very responsible citizens does not show sensibility on the members of De Renaissance Patriots Foundation. We are not far-right in ideological description.

“It is a vitriolic name identity which blemishes our moral, social, intellectual and political struggle in ideological terms as a right-wing association. We are not. The ruling elites in Lagos State, whom we suspect are doing the hatchet job, belong to a formative association of narcissists, who have seized the state for themselves, family, and friends.

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“The writer got his historical information and its linkage with Obafemi Awolowo wrong. If he could not understand what the outcome of the Constitutional Conference in London in 1952 was, we would avail him the details at the appropriate time.

“It is a shameful and irresponsible act to link the faceless hashtag #IgbosMustLeaveLagos (Lagospedia) with De Renaissance Patriots Foundation, a highly responsible and respected socio-cultural organisation in Lagos. The organisation has, among its objectives, promotion of our social and cultural values, encouraging such factors that afford the citizens and, in particular, the natives of the state, to partake fully in the affairs of their own state.”

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