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In a startling event, Chikwado Eze, who had just received a visa to travel overseas, died while doing an odd fortification rite that his father had recommended.

Chikwado was thrilled about his impending adventure and went home to tell his father the good news, but his father cautioned him to see a native doctor to make sure he would succeed abroad.

As part of a spiritual fortification process, the native doctor suggested a ritual in which Chikwado was buried alive for one hour and thirty minutes. When family members exhumed him after the allotted period had passed, they found that he had sadly passed away during the ordeal.

Authorities are looking into the ritual’s conditions, which have sparked serious worries about the risks associated with such practice and the need for further education regarding traditional beliefs against contemporary safety.

The community is in grief for Chikwado, whose hopes for a better life were abruptly and tragically dashed.

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