Muhammadu Sanusi II, the 16th Fulani Emir of Kano, has mounted the palace seat and is being greeted with the royal grettings.

This happens despite a combined security agency in Kano State stating that they are following a court ruling that forbids the monarch to be restored.

Hundreds of his supporters applauded Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II as he rode magnificently from the inner palace to the outer palace, where Emirs customarily visit their subjects and hold court sessions.

As stated previously, “nobody can change their position on the reinstatement of Muhammadu Sanusi II because they did it legally,” according to state deputy governor Aminu Abdussalam Gwarzo.

He said, “The so-called court order banning them from reinstating Sanusi was not officially submitted to them, and as at the time they did the reinstatement, it was after working hours, which shows that anything coming from the court on that matter is already late.”

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