Laws aimed at accelerating national development throughout the nation’s geopolitical zones have been signed into law by President Bola Tinubu.

The South-East Development Commission (Establishment) Bill 2023 was signed into law after the president initially approved the North-West Development Commission (Establishment) Bill 2024.

The North-West Development Commission was established, according to a statement released by the presidency on Wednesday, to aid in the reconstruction of homes, businesses, and roads that have been devastated by multifaceted crises. It was also created to address issues such as poverty, low literacy rates, environmental degradation, and other related environmental or development challenges in the North-West states.

The South-East Development Commission was also established to address ecological issues and other associated environmental or developmental concerns, as well as to guarantee the repair and rehabilitation of homes, roads, and other infrastructure damages suffered by the South-East states.

According to the president, the nation should be built on the pillars of justice, equity, and unity. For this reason, he is dedicated to making sure that all Nigerians, regardless of where they live, receive high-quality services and equitable development while further strengthening the bonds that bind the country together.

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