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Education is the foundation upon which a prosperous and peaceful society is built. When youths are educated, they become empowered with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities. This empowerment enables them to make informed decisions, challenge extremist ideologies, and resist the allure of violent groups. Furthermore, education provides youths with a sense of purpose and direction, reducing the likelihood of idleness and frustration that can lead to involvement in criminal activities.

For further information on Education, read more details here

In addition, education promotes social cohesion and understanding among different ethnic and religious groups. When youths from diverse backgrounds come together in an educational setting, they learn to appreciate and respect each other’s differences. This helps to break down stereotypes and build bridges of understanding, reducing the likelihood of conflict.

Moreover, education is a key driver of economic growth and development. When youths acquire skills and knowledge, they become more employable and can access better-paying jobs. This reduces poverty and inequality, which are often drivers of insecurity. In fact, studies have shown that every additional year of schooling can increase an individual’s earnings by up to 10%

Unfortunately, many African countries face significant challenges in providing quality education to their youths. These challenges include inadequate infrastructure, shortages of qualified teachers, and limited access to educational resources. However, these challenges can be overcome with the right policies and investments.

For further information on Education, read more details here

To prioritise education, youths must take ownership of their learning. This involves being committed to their studies, seeking out opportunities for skill development, and embracing a culture of lifelong learning. Youths must also demand that their leaders prioritise education, investing in quality infrastructure, teacher training, and educational resources.

Overall, education is a critical tool in reducing insecurity in Africa. When youths prioritise education, they become empowered with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities. This empowerment enables them to challenge extremist ideologies, promote social cohesion, and drive economic growth and development. As a continent, Africa must prioritise education to build a more peaceful and prosperous future for its youth.

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