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According to GehGeh, a well-known social media personality and content producer, relationship by Nigerian women as a form of employment.
He advocated for men to refrain from getting married, saying that it is a tactic women employ to entice men to spend extravagantly.
GehGeh claimed in a recent edition of the podcast “The Honest Bunch” that marriage was once encouraged since women were the breadwinners and deferred to their husbands’ authority.
“Men should stop marrying because it’s a strategy women use to lure men into wasting their resources. I am Urhobo man.
“My dad got married because, in his era it was women who work for men. Then the man is the king with plenty wives who work for him while he handles the authority and protection.
“The women work in the farm and provide for the men and children. But is it like that nowadays?
“I feel Nigerian women are the worst to date or marry because they date for money.
“They see relationships as a form of employment. They believe their partners have to pay their bills. I’m not ready for that,” he said.
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